Want help making sure you have the right people on your team? And what about if they’re in the right positions? We’ve got a proven method for helping you set up your team for success!
Don’t know what to look for on a resume or an in-person interview? Julie can help write the job description, cull through resumes and assist in the interview process. And then you’ll be trained to rinse and repeat this process to find the best future team members.
Having a retention problem - let’s take a deep dive inside your team and figure it out!
Ever wonder why people will take less money at certain companies but totally love their job? Don’t worry, Julie won’t suggest you create a lounge area and a breakroom full of free food - there are 3 intrinsic things that employees value more than money. Once we pinpoint what each one of your teams are then you’re set up for success on showing them value where it matters most to them.
Want to have a team that actually enjoys coming to work and talks about you in a nice way to their mom at Thanksgiving? We’ve got you covered. Super simple steps can take your team from dull to exciting.